Topaz Studio Fusion Express 2 was replaced by PhotoFXlab which was in turn replaced by Classic Studio.

Topaz DeJPEG is a must have corrective image enhancement tool for all JPEG users. Topaz B Download HD moviesW Effects 2.1. 3.1.0: Download: Download: Studio 2: DeJPEG: 4.0.1 / 4.1.0. Topaz DeJPEG Photoshop Plugin - 15 Discount Code Topaz DeJPEG rescues JPEG images damaged by artifacts, mosquito noise and blockiness, which are side effects of the compression process digital images go through when saved in the. Or it can be a plugin for other editing programs such as Lightroom or Photoshop. ~::Topaz Plug-ins Bundle for Adobe Photoshop Seperately Includes::~ Topaz Studio 2 works as a standalone product.

With 16 powerful and easy-to-use programs, users can quickly enhance their digital images with flexible adjustments that are easy to apply and customize - and often in just 1-click! Topaz Plug-ins Bundle for Adobe Photoshop helps amateur and professional photographers accomplish the most common creative and corrective post processing tasks.