Thirumoolar thirumanthiram in tamil pdf
Thirumoolar thirumanthiram in tamil pdf

According to Thirumular the all-encompassing love cutting across castes, creeds, races and religions enriched by service to the living and accompanied by the practice of yoga will lead to that goal. Other Saiva saints like Manickavasagar speak of our world as the final birthplace if only one is blessed with God's grace. This is a unique declaration indeed in the context of widespread religious beliefs about the other world. There is nothing to be reached in the other world" declares Thirumular. "This is the final goal to be reached by man and he can reach this here and now. The body attains 'deathlessness' while the soul within attains gnosis and emancipation from worldly bonds. The significant aspect of the practice of yoga is that while it leads to God's bliss, it is accompanied by an enlivening of the whole body-system.

thirumoolar thirumanthiram in tamil pdf

According to the Saiva religion, there are three means of worship, namely, Carya (service in the temple), Kriya (religious rites or the worship proper) and Yoga (meditation). Thirumanthiram, though classified amongst the Saiva hymnal literature, is really a scientific exposition of yoga philosophy banded down from the Vedas. Hence the treatises on yoga in both Sanskrit and Tamil deal with a system of yoga practice that results in the mystic experience of having personal contact with God. In the religious context the one who is meditated is God. The word 'yoga' means 'to become united' with the object being meditated.

thirumoolar thirumanthiram in tamil pdf

Hindu Endowments Board Copyright 2001 Thirumanthiram SP Annamalai "Humanity at large is of one clan and the differences in the religions are superfluous, for God, the creator is one and the same" says Thirumular, the reputed author of Thirumanthiram, the first and unique treatise in Tamil on yoga.

Thirumoolar thirumanthiram in tamil pdf