Blood Reaper - When this model makes an initial attack with this weapon, it makes one melee attack with this weapon against each model in its LOS that is in this weapon’s melee range.Vendetta - This model gains an additional dice on attack and damage rolls vs other types of Archon models.Opponents cannot take control of this model. Divine Manifestation - This model is not a living model, cannot become knocked down, and never suffers Blind.Spectral Flicker - Once per turn, when this model hits an enemy model with a melee attack during its activation, you can place this model anywhere completely within 2" of its current location after the attack is resolved.

Minion - This model will work for Circle, Grymkin, Legion, Skorne, or Trollbloods.Īnimosity - This model cannot be part of an army that includes other types of Archon models. Mercenary - This model will work for Crucible Guard, Cryx, Convergence, Cygnar, Infernals, Khador, Protectorate, or Retribution.